2 Hour Delay
Classes begins at 10AM

Student Services Information

More information pertaining to Culver Community School Corporation’s offerings can be found HERE.


The Corporation's reading plan developed under 511 IAC 6.2-3.1 shall include indicators to screen for risk factors of dyslexia, using a screening tool approved by the Indiana Department of Education that screens for characteristics of dyslexia. The mandatory universal screener approved by the IDOE that includes indicators for dyslexia shall be reported in the Corporation’s elementary reading plan. More information pertaining to Culver Community School Corporation’s Dyslexia Program can be found HERE.

ELL Program

Culver Community School Corporation’s English Language Learners Program supports students with different language backgrounds and learning styles by helping them acquire the ability to use English effectively when speaking, listening, reading, and writing. More information pertaining to English Language Learner identification, assessment and programming can be found HERE.

High Ability

Culver Community School Corporation provides opportunities to students with high abilities that enrich their thinking, support their identified abilities and guide them through numerous differentiated experiences. More information pertaining to Culver Community School Corporation’s High Ability Program can be found HERE.

Section 504 Plan

The Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (Section 504) in the area of public elementary and secondary education covers qualified students with disabilities receive Accommodations and/or Services to ensure success as they are being treated by a medical doctor. Such students would not function in a school environment, as their identified disability would limit a major bodily function and prohibit them from attaining academic success. More information pertaining to Culver Community School Corporation’s Section 504 Planning can be found HERE.

Special Education

In coordination with the Indiana Department of Education and Article 7, the CCSC Special Education Dept. ensures that all students with disabilities are provided a free appropriate public education and educated in their least restrictive environment. CCSC serves the following exceptionalities, not limited to: autism spectrum disorder, communication/ language disorders, developmental delay, emotional disability, hearing impairment, learning disability, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairment, other health impairment, and visual impairment. (IDOE) More information pertaining to Culver Community School Corporation’s Special Education Program can be found HERE.

Title I Program

The Title I program provides financial assistance to Local Education Agency’ s and schools with high numbers or high percentages of children living in poverty. These resources fund CCSC’s Title I Program. This program ensures that all children are given the opportunity to meet challenging state academic standards, made possible through specialized academic programming. Title I helps identify and remediate students with targeted instruction in the areas of fluency, comprehension, and phonemic awareness. More information pertaining to Culver Community School Corporation’s Title I Program can be found HERE.

    • Central Office

      700 School St.
      Culver, Indiana 46511

      Karen Shuman, Supt.
      Phone: (574) 842-3364
      Fax: (574) 842-4615

      Culver Middle/High school

      701 School St.
      Culver, IN 46511

      Brett Berndt, Prin.
      Phone: (574) 842-3391
      Fax: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    • Culver Elementary School

      401 School St.
      Culver, Indiana 46511

      Erika James, Prin.
      Phone: (574) 842-3389
      Fax: (574) 842-3380

      CyberBully Hotline

      Middle/High School Hotline Phone Number: 574-213-7226
      Culver Elementary School Hotline Phone Number: 574-213-7227   https://www.doe.in.gov/student-services/bullying-cyberbullying-prevention-and-response
  • Location